Artecito Virtual – Ajolote

Online Event

¡Los Ajolotes son anfibios que comienzan su ciclo de vida de huevo-larva-adulto en el agua y pasan por la metamorfosis y se mudan a la tierra cuando son adultos! ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los Ajolotes con nuestros amigos en Lincoln Park Zoo! Conéctate aquí: _______________ Axolotls are amphibians that begin their egg-larva-adult […]


Celebrating 8 Years – Celebrando 8 Años

OPEN Center for the Arts 2214 S. Sacramento Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

Join OPEN Center for the Arts as we celebrate our 8th anniversary with an open house. Free and open to the public, come by the gallery as we remember the creativity that has filled the last 8 years and dream about what is still to come! An evening of music, friends, and all around good […]


LAWNDALE Block Party

2652 W Ogden Ave 2652 W Ogden Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

The LAWNDALE Block Party hosted by Sinai Chicago is meant to bring people from North Lawndale and South Lawndale together to promote Wellness and Unity in our community. The event is FREE and open to the community! We invite you to join us on July 9th from 10am to 2pm at Ogden Commons Parking Lot […]


Artecito Virtual – Camaleón

Online Event

¿Sabías? Los camaleones cambian el color de su piel por una variedad de razones, ¡pero no para mezclarse con su entorno! ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los camaleones con nuestros amigos de Lincoln Park Zoo! Contáctese aquí: ____________________________________ Did you know? Chameleons change their skin color for a variety of reasons- but […]


LAWNDALE Peace Party

2950 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60623, United States 2950 W 19th St, Chicago, IL, United States

The LAWNDALE Peace Party hosted by the MSRN Peace Committee is an event to bring people from North Lawndale and South Lawndale together to promote Peace, Love and Unity in our community. We invite you to join us on July 23rd from 11am to 2pm at Douglass Park (2950 W 19th St, Chicago) for an […]


Artecito Virtual – Caballo

Online Event

¡Los caballos tienen 10 músculos diferentes en las orejas y esto les permite girar casi 180 grados! ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los caballos con nuestros amigos en Lincoln Park Zoo! Contáctese aquí: ____________________________________ Horses have 10 different muscles in their ears and this allows them to rotate nearly 180 degrees! Join […]


LAWNDALE Arts Festival

Douglass Park Community and Cultural Center 1401 S Sacramento Dr, Chicago, IL, United States

The LAWNDALE Arts Festival hosted by the NLCCC Arts and Culture Committee is a festival to bring artists and entrepreneurs from North Lawndale and South Lawndale together to showcase the Culture, Commitment and Creativity in our community. We invite you to join us on August 6th from 11am to 7pm at Douglass Park Community and […]


Artecito Virtual – Lagartos

Online Event

El lagarto más pequeño del mundo mide solo 16 mm de largo (lagarto de Jaragua) y puede caber en la longitud de una moneda de veinticinco centavos. El más grande mide unos 10 pies de largo (Komodo). ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los lagartos con nuestros amigos en Lincoln Park Zoo! Contáctese aquí: […]



Douglas 18 1401 S Sacramento Dr

RESCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 27TH! The LAWNDALE Cook Out hosted by Douglass 18 is a gathering to bring people from North Lawndale and South Lawndale together to promote Nature and Unity in our community. We invite you to join us on August 27th from 11am to 2pm at Douglass 18 Mini-Golf Course (1401 S Sacramento Dr, […]


Artecito Virtual Quetzal

Online IL, United States

Artecito is a free online workshop in Spanish developed by OPEN Center for the Arts and Lincoln Park Zoo that uses the arts to engage families with nature in ways that resonate with local holidays, culture, and wildlife. With a related art activity, workshops highlight wildlife and nature to encourage children and families to think […]

Artecito Virtual Starved Rock

Online IL, United States

Did you know? The Starved Rock State park's massive sandstone formations were carved out by melting glaciers thousands of years ago.  Join us as we explore more about Starved Rock State Park with our friends at Lincoln Park Zoo! ¿Sabías? Las enormes formaciones de arenisca del parque estatal Starved Rock fueron talladas por el […]

Artecito Virtual Coyote

Online Event

Coyotes are mammals of the Canidae family. The same family as domestic dogs! Join us as we explore more about Coyotes with our friends at Lincoln Park Zoo! 🎨 […]