Activating Heritage 2022 – March 24


Erin McCarthy, Associate Professor of History; Interim Chair Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago

Peter Fitzpatrick, Professor of Photography; Special Advisor Community Engagement
Office of the Provost, Columbia College Chicago

Heidi Marshall, Head of Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago

Brianna Yrene Ramirez, Filmmaking (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Adiam Belai Woldu, English (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Jeremy Bucher, Collections & Archives Manager, National Hellenic Museum

Listen in on a conversation between representatives of Columbia College Chicago research team, Erin McCarthy, Heidi Marshall, Peter Fitzpatrick, and Jeremy Bucher of the National Hellenic Museum as they discuss their shared history in Oral History Archiving and how it has evolved to bring the collection to the public eye.