Themed Cafecito Placemaking Chats, 4th Monday of the Month

About this event

Placemakers, here’s a monthly opportunity to come together and refill each others’ tanks!

Bring your coffee, tea, or other drink, and your creative mind for free form discussion kicked-off by the following themes…

  • Lines and Divisions (January 24)
  • Bridge the Gap (February 28)
  • Healing the Democracy (March 28)
  • Engage your Citizens (April 25)
  • Use your Feet (May 23)
  • Let’s Talk about Pop-up (June 27)
  • Up your Alley (July 25)
  • Measure Up (August 22)
  • Find your Champion (September 26)
  • Teach Someone to Fish (October 24)
  • Difficult Conversations (November Date TBD)
  • Feed Your Mind (December Date TBD)

We’ll close-out each session with self-reflection: accepting what we must and finding our power to move things forward.

Inspired and Co-hosted by Sherryl Muriente, Initiator of the PlacemakingFL network and Director of Urban Placemaking, West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority